Upper Liddesdale & Hermitage Community Council

Place Plan
The Community Council has conducted a survey so that a "place plan" can be created. This place plan will give us a snapshot of what is important in this community, what we like about the area, what we don't like, what is needed to make it better and the sort of development we definitely think would make it worse.

Community Councillor Rosie Webster has been analyzing the results of the survey and her preliminary findings were given in a presentation to a Community Council meeting on the 13th of July 2023. It was agreed then that a committee be formed, chaired by Rosie, which would develop a place plan document from what has been learned.

The PowerPoint presentation given by Rosie has been made available here by kind permission of Rosie.

Rosie used data from the 2011 Census to create a profile for our community and compare the demographics then to now.

Finally, here is the survey questionnaire used to gather the data on our community.

Community Engagement Place Plan Meeting
There will be a community engagement Place Plan meeting at Hermitage Hall on Thursday 7th December at Hermitage Hall starting at 7:00pm. There will be cheese and wine to help in the deliberations. We are looking for ideas from the community on how to move our place plan forward, given the findings of the survey (see above). What actions should the community undertake to mitigate those aspects the community did not like? What actions should the community take to ensure the those aspects the community did like continue on? How can we further improve the lives of the people that live in our community? How can we make our community more welcoming to visitors?

Have a think, and come along on the 7th of December to give us your views.